Alcatraz is an evasion exercise over 24 hours open to Explorers and Network from Ormskirk District, West Lancs and beyond.
Alcatraz takes place on Sat 15th and Sun 16th July 2023
As already published, we’re hosting Alcatraz on the Isle of Anglesey! Our meeting point for registration is:
Grid reference – 406 634 |
Newborough Warren car park. |
Registration opens at 9.30am on Saturday 15th July, and we need to have it completed by 10.30am. |
Just before 11am we will then walk all participants over to the island to the actual start grid reference 386 625 – we’ve checked the tide times and they work perfectly so no need to wade across. |
Participants will be set off at MIDDAY. |
Checkpoint At the start, participants will be given the grid reference for a checkpoint which will be open from 6pm-10pm. All teams must register in the check-point during those times. |
Teams will be able to stay at the checkpoint for as long as they wish (but must leave by 10pm) and will only get the grid reference for the finish 10 minutes before they leave. |
Finish |
Teams will need to get to the finish at midday on the Sunday. Catching will stop at 11.40am. |
The finish point is on Lligwy Beach, which has a small public car park adjacent to it. The grid reference given to teams is SH 496 874. |
Either Landranger 114 or Explorer 263 are needed |
Health Form
Please ensure all participants complete the Health Form. These need to be brought on the Saturday morning and handed in at Checkpoint!
Below is the kit list that is needed. Participants must have this in order to take part and there will be a kit check before the start.
Everything you need to know about Alcatraz
What is it?
Alcatraz is a 24 hour evasion exercise – you must get from A to B (via a checkpoint), avoiding catchers and losing as few lives as possible.
Who is it for?
It’s open to teams of between four and seven Explorers, Network and “Veterans”. Older Scout teams with sufficient experience may take part with the permission of their Leader.
Where is it?
The location moves around each year but in 2023 it will take place on the Isle of Anglesey (North Wales). The exact location of the meeting point will be announced the week before.
When is it?
Alcatraz takes place on the 15 & 16 July 2023.
Registration is open 10.00-10.30am on Saturday morning. Teams set off at 12:00pm and finish at noon on Sunday.
What equipment is required?
Bear in mind that Alcatraz is essentially a hike across wild country in British summer, so the sun could be cracking the flags, or there could be torrential rain. Teams do not require tents but will need to carry certain equipment for emergency use alongside normal walking gear.
A full list of individual and team equipment is available below and the required Ordnance Survey map numbers will be released along with the exact rendezvous location.
How do I enter?
Enter online at the website:
Entry costs £12 per person.
I’m a Leader – what can I do?
We need leaders (and any other adults in Scouting) to help make the event happen in a couple of ways:
Click on the link below to access the rules:
An evasion exercise would be no fun without catchers so we’re looking for teams of between two and four adults to get out there on foot, (pedal!) bike or car and find those teams – we’ve not done our job properly unless every team loses a life!
Secondly, we need your help to make the event run smoothly so alongside catching we may ask you to man the checkpoint for half an hour or help set up the finish base. Finally, we want to make Alcatraz as safe as possible so we are all marshals first and catchers second!
The online form for Catchers is below:
I’ve got another question!
Email and we’ll get back to you!
Applications open NOW.